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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Count Your Blessings...

The child of so many talents
she wonders where he'll go
trying to instill the values of balance love and self control
but something had a hold on him and would not let go

so she said baby count your blessings
and wish upon the fallen star
things have always been exactly like they are

The child of a man (innerchild)
he was his closest friend
and how they used to run together until no end
eventually life would separate the two
society had stripped him of all he knew
so he returned
remembering his blessings
before his bridge had burned too far
things have always been exactly like they are

sometimes what we have seems like the very least of anything
and all that we don't seems like the very most of everything
but baby without love we have nothing
oh don't leave me with nothing
I thought we had something

You been chatting with your simpleminded friends
they got you puttin me down
say a lil tasty something over there is where I been getting down
Girl u need to call for a new dealer
before you play that hand
and remember where we began
and u'll see exactly where I am

Baby count your blessings and wish upon the fallen star..
things have always been exactly like they are


Anonymous Taj said...

Thank you for this beautiful song. It uplifts me and that is why your music is needed. It makes me think and hope and I can't wait for your new cd(s). Peace and love

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Neda said...

Thanx for posting the words. Ive been tryin to figure out the words to the last verse.

2:46 PM  
Blogger ButtaFly said...

powerful words......missed u Sactown.Peace Love & Spiritual Prosperity!!!!


8:31 PM  

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