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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


My mother and I dialogue about the America she grew up in and the America we all contribute to today. Lots of contrasts and lots of similarities. It's great to have such information passed down as her mother, my grand mother Mable would recount days when she couldn't walk into the front of a store to buy groceries... back door business only. And as my mother came along, she would walk right up to a counter and demand equal treatment. My moms is ganxsta. Anyway, she shared something that never crossed my mind but has to have spine tingling repercussions when examined.. of the many things she shared she explained how the women have always been at the for front of the American Evolution or the African American Revolution as the slaves who tended to the duties of the house by cleaning and feeding the white slave owners and raising their children, these women were first to know who the Klansmen were as they would have to wash the sheets or knew when pillow cases and sheets were missing. For those who don't understand the tie in, The United States Government has strong ties to the Ku Klux Klan and in those days the slave women would be the first to have knowledge of who the Klans Men were as they would take sheets and pillow cases from the house and wear them when committing the cowardass acts of violence and disrespect to all things Negro. How suffocating an existence to have this knowledge and to still serve faithfully to the master. Wo is me. So the slave songs would be used to inform those who were escaping to freedom as to when to go and when to hold their position. How ever the direction of linens and such were hung to dry on the clothing line would be the coded language used to tell slaves on the run which direction their would be captures were headed... ingenius! and we also have to acknowledge the white people who made allowances for our escaping or flat out lied and protected slaves from being lynched and terrorized for pursuing their God given rights of freedom and life. Does anyone in their right mind think that this country can truly come together without fully examining all the good and bad that has created and propelled this nation to greatness? Have you any stories to share about your ancestors and lineage? We would love to hear from you


Blogger Billy Frank said...

Hey ML, have you seen "Barackula"? It's a short musical about Obama fending off Harvard vampires.. pretty silly but fun and the music is pretty cool.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin Luther I am a big fan of yours and I also live in NC where some of my family members were victims of this sterilization. Its cold and tragic that people impose their supposed "God like rights" on others.How can you deny a person the right to pro create? Does an apology make up for this injustice? HELL NO!

11:33 AM  

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