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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Roses really smell like pooh pooh'' A3K

The Gov't refuse to call the current state of US Fiscal affairs, anything
but " IN RECESSION". Every business on the planet is feeling the
effects and making necessary budget cuts but there is no recession.

I guess there are some serious business model meltdowns that
would have to be bodied and identified as the mole or even worse
be held responsible for selling out the American Economy like it
was a hot tip on a shoe in horse race they were taking bets on. We've been sold to the highest
nigga..excuse me I mean Bigger.. uh hem.. I mean Bidder. Yes bidder..

They make bids. Suggest things that make the price of gas soar.
Authorize loans made of quick sand.
Gravity calling you home. Silence.
No help. It's Ugly

But Vegas got new hotels to build
Somebody finna rent out these rooms
catch them flights. be present at fights
as the bottom line reduces

EVERYONE is going to feel this new way.
It's tight right now. Gas alone. FOR GET ABOUT IT. period
I can't ride my bike enough.
Is this a product of enacting war on a country?
Cain't say ''Sorry'' and get outta there. Cuz
this country is on the oil nipple.
Mother earth has to feel someway about having that crude
black gold sucked from her veins. We are
altering a divine harmony and must suffer the
We earthlings.

But yo...Atlanta was dope. I rocked in Sugar Hill
with some catz from the A and it was thumpin'.
HARD! So DMV is kickin my ass right now.
Cali laws are on some other shit. I'm doing a soul festival show
but I may have bitten off more than I can chew.. as usual.
I want to make an extravagantly produced event happen
but their are problems with getting people to attend in large
number so this type of presentation will no doubt cost me
more than it makes. but I want folks to have an awesomely unique
experience at ML events and the more Martian the better.
Happy Earth Day Kid..Right on. Thank U. All

Save ya pennies man. Thats what the sign of the times is sayin.
Keep that tucked. Pay yourself.

Cali Wusup!!?? can somebody say Weed Abatement... I mean, take it how u want it
but the joint is on fi ya!
Big Momma Naycha...holl'n@cha.

Holla back


Anonymous Taj said...

This country is in such trouble economically and socially. I know that the United States have a different definition for recession but either way this country is in trouble. My mom has been working at her job for over a decade now and all of a sudden their giving everyone on her job "warning letters." Jobs are no longer secure and they have been making serious cutbacks in NYC. ML have you ever thought about moving from Cali?

7:30 AM  

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