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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rev Wright... weigh in please..

Rev Wright has added to the electricity that flows in my body. I think America (the young debutant of a country that she is...) is due Reverend Wright. He is the metaphoric chicken that is home..roosting while the other chickens who built the home are mad that he is plucking out their feathers and letting the rest of the hen house smell what has been hiding under there...acts done in silence to the coop and his thoughts, in full bloom are so incredibly poignant and informed that it cracks me up to hear such inflamed responses from people who are very ''christian'' ''catholic'' ''spiritual'' ''atheist'' or simply uninformed about facts and dirty truths of Amerikkkan his-story. It cracks me up because we are never searching out the truth or the lies to his statements as much as dismissing him as undermining Brother Obama. We are not celebrating the fact that this man is standing up for a Religious calling that has counter acted every conspiracy enacted against the African American plight. We are not celebrating his commitment as much as crucifying his potential to be accurate and simply deadlining him as Anti American?? and raving with false hoods or ancient Black Rage that America has since evolved from being the kind of country that would deny any of her citizens access to the protected freedoms and liberties as guaranteed in the constitution... ahhh the source of it all.. the constitution. And I ask, why is Sean Bell not alive to read this?

Rev Wright in my opinion is hunting those freedoms that were promised and is not taking down the mirror on America until Americans of all ethnicities recognize exactly how this game has been unfairly laid out and executed. I support him 10,000 percent and his timing couldn't be more divine. I'm sure many don't agree with me because we FEAR that his elevation to the fore has helped to jeapordize the potential electability of an excellent choice as the new and improved leader of the free world. Well, would it in fact be an improvement if every candidate has to create distance from anyone or anything that could be viewed as unpopular for the sake of finding favor in those of different races who may not understand your complexities? Would it be any different really ? Would their really be change in the "WHITE'' (how ludicris) House if a man that we feel represents the potential of America's greatness has to denounce every ounce of contradiction to ''appease'' the same status quo he claims to serve a sharp and crisp break from..if he were elected.. NO
This is the same Bullshit! Yeah we all know how the game is supposed to be played but their in lies the problem. It's all game and Rev. Wright is not letting a full court press or a three man weave keep his beliefs on the bench while the other teams commits fouls and runs plays that keep them twenty points ahead. No, he is working his triangle offense and raining three pointers of injustice down the throats of any, many and plenty and I think America is going to go for her guns just like she always does when someone ruffles her feathers and I think we should all be armed with truth and prepared to fight. It's time. Cut the bullshit because if Rev. Wright is a liar, that should not be hard to prove. If he is spewing falsehoods, that should be easily revealed but heaven forbid him telling the cold hard informed truth.. cause that would mean that the young adult cocaine sniffing alcohol swigging ''IT Girl'' of America is actually an immature lying little bitch! ''Land of the freeeeeeeeeeeee and hoooooooome of theeee SSsssssssssslllllllaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee''

anyway, weigh in
Good bad and ugly, I want to hear from you


Blogger Billy Frank said...

As a white man who supports Obama and would love to see him be elected president, I wish Wright would stay quiet for the moment. The problem is more style than substance. Wright electrifies people because he's extremely abrasive and direct, which is great if you're already inclined to agree with him but will never convince people who haven't been informed of most of what he talks about. If you have contrasting opinions, especially controversial ones, you need to present them in a way that isn't out to offend anybody and Wright isn't diplomatic enough to do that. Obama, however, is, and it would be a real shame if Wright dragged him down.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true. I digress even. Wright should be more considerate of the climate of affairs and as much as I want to defend Wright for defending himself, bill frank is absolutely correct and shedding much debated exactness about this derailing issue. America's Hypocrisy. There will be no overnight clarity pill that uninformed americans and others can take to wake up to the dirty realities of the American Nightmare. It will be generations from now when an exact study of our collective American history can be inclusive of all the truths and not be shamed for it. For Obama, he has to now make his wonder twin powers activate and get back up on his horse once again and get in the ring and fight. This will all be a test of his metal and we'll see if he has any come back kid in him. I love Wright for sticking up for the black church and the liberation theology he espouses but his timing is only divisive for our collective candidate of Hope. I hope he realizes this and can find some golden silence until further notice.. ML

11:34 PM  
Blogger Billy Frank said...

Thanks for your response, Martin - I too hope Wright can hold his tongue for now. But I also see the virtue of your original post, because there's nothing more frustrating than being told you have to tone down righteous anger because your passion isn't constructive. If he can manage it, he'll certainly earn my deepest respect.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why should rev wright be quiet if it is meant for obama to be president he will be the rev is preaching a message i have heard at black churches for years how can we ask for free speech ...just not right now...ok wes dont wanna upset massah he bout to give us our freedom...sheesh stand up for truth at all times

7:25 AM  

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