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Monday, June 16, 2008

Gay Rights.. Adam and Eve & Adam and Steve

What say U?

I'm from San Francisco so Gay Activism is old hat in a sense but
having equal protection under the law is very new. I don't see anything
wrong with it. It's about the Law and being protected by law and since all
Americans have to pay taxes and want full benefits from doing so.
This could start a riot and I'm sure some folks
feel like it's wrong as the day is long...

I've heard a lot of arguments on both sides but what strikes me as odd is those
who want to use the Bible as barometer. Now one could argue that the Bible is
gender specific about Husband and Wife and should therefore be adhered to
without question right?

Well, that same Bible also says ''Thou shalt not kill...nor commit adultery...nor
covet thy neighbors goods....nor honor any other gods before the Most High''
and I don't mean Snoop Dogg...he he

So if we have to go letter for letter, that angle doesn't hold up.

All I see is a denial of protected rights and in time, the world will make an adjustment.
Reminds me of slavery and racial discrimination and such. After a while, it won't
be such a big deal. Do you... just don't push your agenda on my life and it's all good.

What should a gay person do when they want to worship God in a church or synagogue
or sanctuary like anyone else? Be banished or not allowed in?? Seems kind of silly
because all this comes down to economics. Gay tithe and straight tithe both go to
the bottom line of keeping the church running as a business.
Law makers are at the root due to Tax exemptions or securing equal protection
under the law. Which will affect economics somehow.

pffft.. what ever.

The Gaying of America has been overwhelming in recent years (Dwayne Wade/Charles Barkley T Mobile commercials are a soft swipe and some of these tv shows on MTV and regular TV are more overt) and I believe this new court ruling will be the
icing on the cake.

You can't leave it up to the states to decide..like both the candidates running for office would like because
you run the risk of people moving from a protected environment to an unprotected environment. It's not complicated..
America, as a country, doesn't have a pot to piss in cuz this place is laced with corruption from the roota to the toota aka top to bottom. Somewhere in between we regular (both straight and gay) folks have to deal with the bullshit and in a few generations from now, I suspect that the pains from racial and gender or sexual orientation based discrimination will be more of a old America type behavior.

Anyway, that say I
what say U?


Anonymous Taj said...

I don't know why people act as if being a homosexual makes you an alien or something.. Why shouldn't they have the same rights as a heterosexual couple? I think it is so funny (troubling) in this country where violence is glorified and racism still exists people are so focused on gay marriage. Homosexuals are not the problem...

1:43 PM  
Anonymous suz said...

i come from a very conservative christian family-- dad's a pastor, mom is a devout christian who reads the bible 10x a year. i'm the black sheep liberal of the family.

i think it comes down to old school traditions, morals, and imposing belief systems on others.

i would have this argument with the family-- being gay is "wrong" and a sin. i say, we're all sinners-- some of us just hide it better than others. in the end it's up for god to decide.

on an economic level-- no it is not fair that hetero couples get benefits that same sex couples do not, whether it be it medical, insurance, etc. they should be granted the same rights as others. as a single girl i strongly believe this-- i see it every day, from gym memberships to life insurance policies-- the world rewards hetero married couples.

i think it comes down to what we are exposed to. hopefully the new generation is more broad minded but u can't change the old generation.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is so true.. why does the government feel the need to run everyone's life.. what happened to the American Dream..Freedom for All..United We Stand... Martin, they must not have heard your song...Miss America!!

12:49 PM  
Blogger SunFresh said...

Anybody willing to commit to and share their life with another person should be rewarded (tax breaks ect) and protected by the government.

I also believe that providing the option of marriage to all people is safer. If I had absolutely no option to get married, why wouldn't I become a hornball and sleep with everybody that walks my way?

Using the bible as the crutch of hate for homosexuals is ridiculous. If that's the case, there are numerous rules/guidelines in leviticus that make no sense in this day and age. People used to use the bible to justify slavery.

I also hate that this becomes an issue during elections. With approx 70% of black children born into single parent situations...there are other relevant issues to spend more time and energy on.

4:37 PM  

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