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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Whitey.. or Why'd He ??

Race race race race race. Amerikkka is a fact. Should the back lash of the Klans design be a fault of the Black American Republic? The great founding fathers felt that all men except those of African descent were created equal and that doesn't speak highly of the doctrine and of course we don't expect them to have gotten everything right or to have crafted a perfect document but then hundreds of years later we will be quick to hold the justifiable feelings of pain and disdain of a few against the entire Black Race as a whole. Foul! .Black Americans did fight for the establishment of the country while only being considered three fifths of a men and women and continue to endure all types of genocidal strategizing against them such as legal doctrines like the penalties for Crack being stiffer than those for powder coke, or being deprived of educational opportunities for not meeting certain financial or residential criteria..this is AmeriKKKa. This is a part of our ugly legacy. The great Hype -pocrisy. Those with exact knowledge of our National truths know how much of a charade Race is. The 20th century would be an unparalleled globally recognized moment of unprecedented social and technological development and honestly it still is but this thing about Race just casts an ugly shadow from which the country has never truly taken the necessary steps to come out from. And even if BHO is the president elect in November, none of this changes. None of the decades of economic deprivation or the Bombing of Black Wall Street in Oaklahoma or the dragging of James Byrd to death from being tied to a truck down in Texas only a few short years ago or the execution of Emmet Till, a 14 year old boy from Chicago visiting southern relatives who showed his appreciation for a pretty caucasian woman by whistling at her and not lowering his eyes when she looked at him...these tragedies ARE also OUR legacy.. all of our legacy. It's pretty sweet at times (Negro Baseball League), and also very ugly at times when the Negro Baseball League falls apart once you integrate the majors with Jakie Robinson..All of this and much much more which includes heinous acts heaped against Japanese and Latin and not to mention Indian AMERI KKK ANS. We have to deal with ourselves at some point. If Michelle said, Whitey, it would be like anyone else speaking in an intimate and sometimes not so intimate setting where racial epitaphs are freely strewn across the atmosphere. No one on this blog is perfect and it really amazes me to see how much of a triple standard now, that Black American politicians and their ministers and their relatives and their school teachers and their barbers and so on and so on, are held to . This new and impossible standard while the established GOP can galavant around the world killing innocent people all in the name of Oil yet the blogging world is outraged at the thought of someone with eyes on the White House having close relations with someone who is pissed off from time to time about some American bullcrap. That's crap. I'm sure many of the outraged are free of an indiscretion and have never said any outrageous thing but the snub comments and expectations of the Obamas to somehow be free of any tarnish is really sad. Maybe, just maybe they can help the country start to deal with itself. Or does all this combative language suggest that America really doesn't want change AND is willing to let this Race issue continue to derail us from dealing with the fact that China is Pimp Slapping every man woman and child in this country, not only by the fact that each of us already owe china four thousand dollars each...and that debt is increasing when WE borrow another Billion to buy some more oil. We have dire need of self reflection and recognition because we are forfeiting our status as Super Power over an issue that is Super Stupid. Wake Up.. No. Ok, remain sleep then. In a few generations down the line, we'll see what was important and what was all hypocrisy. If you approach life with the end (meaning death) in mind, how different are we really. So what's all the hating about. Let he who is without sin be the first to cast stones.. I'm just saying yall, when do we utilize respect as a weapon and communal support within city and government politics to improve on the human condition? After China drops a bomb on us, that's when. But it's too late then. Don't we get it. It is indeed a race, but it ain't about Race. Whites have hated Blacks for so long. Doesn't that ever get tiresome. Blacks have dominant blood. So what. Get over that. Blacks don't Hate Whites. Embrace that. The finals (NBA) are on.. what difference does race make.. well one could point out that the top players are Black. Then one could point out that most of the team Owners are White. We all need each other no matter how we slice it. That's all I'm saying and let's put in some real work to elevate the level of dialogue as often as possible instead of hiding behind computer screens and yapping about the most trivial of things. If M Obama has made this type of error in judgement she should be nailed to the same cross that we are willing to be nailed to. No more and no less. IF she is only saying ''why'd he, why' he'' as has been suggested to be the truth of it all, look at all the spewing of ugliness that has become a rage in such a short time. America is hot..we are socially on fire and ready to tear down and kill at a moments notice. Robberies and murders are approaching an alarming altitude as well as losses of jobs from corporate cutbacks and factory closings and industries drying up. The internet, as my middle east Indian partner puts it, is the new factory and if you aren't writing codes or creating applications or invested in online business, no matter what color you are, you will become further dependent on a failing system. The 20th Century was a shining moment for some...most of us Americans. The 21st has since slipped from our grasp. Who wants to be happy, let's Race towards that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo ML,
You are way, way, way to Deep!!!!!!!!!!! What can I say,
But Thank you for feeding us again, Oh how I long for this kind of food!!!!!!! I can't wait for the new album!!!!! Keep bringing it!!!!!!


3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




9:43 PM  
Anonymous ML said...

Hey Yall, I just call it like I see it. The world suffers mostly from ignorance. Bunchy Carter (LA Black Panthers) said, do something.. even if all you can do it spit! But don't just sit there and let bullshit ride.

I do what I can to spark dialogue but the funny thing is, when I post pictures of girls asses and bling cult ure or some other trivial izm, I get a gang of comments..

We should all be engrossed by the current affairs of the modern world but we rather escape through the music and media of our artists. I'm not so ok with that so I do what I can.

Keep postin and keep living.

Although it feels like Obamas progress and gaining the nomination has gone relatively unmentioned or uncelebrated rather, I think we are all taking cues from the gracious poise he possesses and holding back the explosion for a victory in November. Had to say something about that man. He makes us proud. He makes it hurt just a lil bit less, to be Black.


9:55 PM  
Anonymous Taj said...

ML I must agree I feel so proud of Obama's accomplishments and maybe just maybe the black youths especially males can look at him and have hope and realize that we are somebody. We are beautiful and gifted....

5:58 PM  

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