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Monday, April 21, 2008

Sup Folx

Hey Hey Hey

Answering the question posed to me or anyone else who read it,

''If the writers of the Bible were Racist, how would it affect your faith?''

I think that is a fine question to ask but being Black and American makes the
answer rather easy. It wouldn't affect my faith. I say that because we as Black people
have had to endure enumerous racially motivated attacks and even until this day and
beyond, we still have ''Haters'' in the midst who loath our very nature and God and the existence
of God has been the Rock to which many of us have been able to find solid ground to
stand on. At times, the Church has been the ONLY source of solace during the tumults and turbulance
of this American Experiment. So to find out that the authors of the Bible were racist wouldn't shake
me much. Until someone can prove a place other than Africa to be the mother of ALL civilization earth born,
it is irrefutably obvious that ''swift boating'' and guile and tricknology have been in effect to
keep people of dark skin down... and I too have questioned about
..not the existence of God but the clear and simple truths of mankinds existence. Our purpose
and what exists beyond what our eyes can see. Miracles are happening all around us all the time and
there has to be an explanation.

God has inclined us all with Free Will as He/She wants to allow us to choose. Not force us into
the valley of everlasting life, but to choose a righteous path, to atone for our transgressions and
with understanding, work toward creating heaven on earth even if we are going through hell.

Tibetan Book of The Dead, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Indian Cosmology, Dogon Cosmology
and many other original peoples of the world like the Mayans, have parallels and similarities about
the beginnings and endings of the world as we know it and they all seem to have a purpose and some
amounts of clarity on the issue. It's almost as if God let the earth run its own course for a period of time
until deciding that this small planet needed some attention and mankind needed better direction... I don't have the answers
but by faith I have moved mountains in my own life and my parents before me and their parents before them.
The struggle continues as does our unshakable faith.

on to the next

It's getting close. I will disappear soon and go make this record and reappear wearing gold chains and leather sweatsuits. Maybe not but I will be coming out with a record in the near future for all the music fans out there. Rebel Soul and BluHammock have come together to get busy on bringing yall the new and improved, M 2tha Lu.

I got a rock band named '' ANVIL'' and we are also under way with new music. I'm apart of a Bay Area music movement called
The Business and that project is soon to find the light of day and I just performed at an Obama Rally in Oakland and you can find footage on youtube.

Lots to share. Gotta run. Have a good week. M


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo ML,
Thank you for clearing the air on the race issue in the bible. I think I misunderstood your question on white preachers and their lies! You are correct, their is still a lot of racisim going on in the church! I think as peolpe as a whole, their has to be some kind of clarity on the race issue inorder for all of GOD's Children to live in peace on this earth! Until the race issue is cleared and understood, and also forgiven by all people, we will not live in peace together!
Keep it moving, and keep it grovin!
Thataboy Soul!
May GOD Bless you my Brother!!!!!!!!

4:59 PM  
Anonymous mark z said...

From the person that posed the original question:

"I am white and I was raised a Catholic. To be honest, if Jesus was black, it would simply be another reason to not believe: Not because I am racist, but because it means that the writers of the Bible were racist; and this is all the more reason to discount the Bible."

It does not mean the writers of the bible were racist. It means that tradition and translators are racist. There is not much description of jesus's physical appearance in the bible. However catholic tradition has instilled an image in everyones head of jesus as a fair-haired white man with blue eyes through their own doctrines. And catholic (amongst others) translators show some bias when translating hebrew and greek manuscripts into english. But none of this means that the original writers of the bible were racist.


10:43 AM  
Anonymous mark z said...

sorry..i dont think i was clear:

...But none of this means that the original writers of the bible were racist IF IT WAZ PROVEN THAT JESUS WAS BLACK, CUZ THE BIBLE ITSELF DOESNT SAY WHAT COLOUR JESUS WAS.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, be advised that in the Bible, Jesus is described as having skin color of '' burned fine brass'' and hair is described as '' woven locks of wool'' ...take it or leave it but somehow, like you say, the Catholic Church has promoted propaganda that suggests Jesus looked more like those who started and perpetuated the Catholic doctrine...right or wrong I guess everyone has the right to describe Jesus in their eyes image...but again, if the Bible is without error then the origination of these posts... the long post on race by Tom Wise, would be accurate and Catholics and the like would clearly be in denial and simply out of line for pushing such propaganda. When I see and hear the Pope, that so many seem to revere and hold to such high regard, I only wonder why? It seems like the great Wizard of Odd has arrived to cast his spell on the masses who somehow feel he, a man, to be Holy... I see a man dressed in funny clothes and saying some very commonplace things about life and pseudo postivity, it's hype.. just like the writers of the constitution saying that all men are created equal and that all men (white men) are permitted to own slaves yet, all men are created equal...Catholic Church allows for the mistreatment of its members to the tune of a few billion dollars in damages yet the Pope is Holy and worth all the praise... sounds like holly wood at it's best to me but no one is perfect and we all have a right to our opinions.. I'm glad that we all take time to share our thoughts from time to time and hopefully shed light on such heavy subjects... Be well, God Bless..

11:38 AM  
Anonymous mz said...

Here's a rhetorical question:

If jesus waz proven to be black, how many non-believing black people do u think would BECOME christians?

Something to think about...

On a side note...looking forward 2 the record ml (or should that be ML Cool J).


2:18 AM  

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